
Diamonds Are Forever

Diamond may not be the most precious mineral in the world, but it certainly exerts the most charm on women. Women adore diamond. They worship its sparkle. They praise its purity. Their hearts go for it. Their souls are provoked by its sheer image. Men could never understand women’s craving for diamonds. Yet it never stops them from buying the shining stones for their lovers. It’s the fortune of the jewelry dealers, but misfortune for women.

Diamond is pure. One could see through it without difficulty. Every part of a diamond is exposed for inspection. Nothing is hidden, not even the tiniest imperfection. For women it’s a metaphor for ideal relationship: one is facing another with complete honesty and chastity. There are no lies, no shame and no guilt. Souls are combined in their original states.

Diamond is strong. It is said to be the hardest mineral on earth. It could go through high pressure and extreme temperature, as is the most deserving love. Looking at a diamond, women think of Elizabeth and Darcy, Ophelia and Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, whose affection was strong enough to fight against prejudice, convention and even death.

Diamond is lasting. It is passed down through generations and dynasties. From Titanic to Lust, Caution, from the west to the East, diamonds are always witness and symbol for timeless love. It hits every woman’s dream, a dream in which love could go beyond the border of heaven and earth.

Diamond’s appeal to women might be best explained by a famous song:”Diamonds are forever, sparkling round my little finger. Unlike men, the diamonds linger. Men are mere mortals who are not worth going to your grave for.” By chasing after diamonds, women are actually longing for someone that is not going anywhere, someone that stays by their side until death does them part. Behind every diamond is a heart crazy for eternal love. Such heart has been too often disappointed by cheating men but finally finds comfort in the shining stone that sticks around, forever.

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